Download my report in Spanish, “Cultural Governance and Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Sectors in Peru” (2021), developed with the support of the Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA). This study was developed within the framework of the Next Generation program.
This study promotes a debate on the link between cultural governance and open government data, a relationship that can help spur public innovation processes and improve cultural governance systems. The study focuses on the Peruvian case, specifically the situation faced by the Ministry of Culture of Peru as it seeks to promote policies and initiatives geared toward the opening of government data. The methodology employed included bibliographic research and interviews with experts, as well as representatives from public institutions and civil society organizations.
Based on this information, the study offers inputs and general recommendations that may contribute to the generation and strengthening of multiple open data agendas for the cultural sectors of Latin America, both at the national and subnational levels, through collaboration among public and private actors. The promotion of multiple open data agendas for cultural sectors constitutes an endeavor to shape a shared horizon of intervention, aimed at transforming public management of cultural sectors through meaningful and sustainable processes of collaboration and co-creation between the State and Civil Society.
These agendas are conceived as strategies that should be supported by connecting two movements or communities that do not often engage with each other in a sufficiently deep or frequent manner: the open government movement and the movement for cultural rights and cultural diversity. The study acknowledges the gap between these fields and seeks to bridge it by strengthening a common language that can foster greater collaboration between these communities.
What is at stake is the possibility of guiding government data opening processes in cultural sectors towards more relevant and therefore more sustainable goals, based on specific purposes that respond to the needs and aspirations of the individuals and communities involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of such initiatives.